Philosophy of Healthcare (RELP103)


Course Memo

Philosophy  of  Healthcare  is  an  introductory,  interdisciplinary  course  which  explores  the  assumptions underlying a career in faith-based healthcare. These assumptions include views on the moral nature  of humans, their inherent value, and the ethical issues surrounding illness, suffering, and pain. These topics will be examined through a variety of learning modalities including discussions, readings, journaling, guest speaker presentations, workshops and critical-thinking exercises. ALL Philosophy of Healthcare students are  assigned  an  Academic  Coach  with  whom  they  will  meet  outside  of  class  time  as  arranged.  ALL UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AT AHU MUST TAKE RELP 102/103 IN THEIR FIRST TWO TRIMESTERS AT AHU.

Course Section Description

Moved to smaller room dropped cap to 22 6.21.19 cap raised to 30 per Dr. Dobias' request. TNCB