Leadership and Management in Nursing for RNs (NRSG480)


Prerequisite Courses

Course Memo

This course is designed to introduce the student to activities that merge leadership and management theory with application to current nursing practice. The course focuses on the application of contemporary leadership and management principles in the current healthcare environment. This course includes clinical projects that are completed outside of the classroom setting including (a) an interview with a nurse leader and (b) attendance at a professional organization meeting. This is a three (3) credit hour course and students are expected to complete forty-five (45) clock hours.

Course Section Description

Video Conferences are not mandatory, but the orientation video-conferences scheduled during the first week of the course is strongly encouraged. Dates and times for the orientation video-conferences will be posted under the “Conferences” tab to the left of the Home page screen. Faculty will be available by appointment Tuesdays 8:00pm-10:00pm EST and Wednesdays 8:00am-10:00am EST